Our 5 Biggest Takeaways from active-net 2022
March 23rd – 24th 2022 saw the welcome return of active-net, a 2-day leisure industry networking event.
It was a great chance to get key leaders, suppliers and operators together to discuss the future of leisure, the challenges of the last two years and what this means for us all moving forwards.
The energy throughout the event felt collaborate and extremely positive but here are our 5 Biggest Take-aways from active-net UK 2022.
Reaching Beyond the 15%
There was a clear message of the need to shift our messaging from a focus on gyms and fitness to wellbeing and increasing levels of activity among our communities. Not only is this the right thing to do in the current climate to reduce the impact of ill health and inactivity on the NHS and public services, but the commercial opportunity to widen our market beyond the same 15% we are all competing over is something we need to react to.
The TA6 philosophy to “Meet people where they are” is driven by this. Understanding where people are on their journey, their previous experience and confidence with activity as well as understanding how, where and when they want to be active and how, where and when they want to receive support is how we should be directing our approach. We need to look at a more inclusive and holistic approach to our messaging, customer experience, processes and programming.
Workplace Wellness
There has been a lot of discussion on the impact of the last 2 years on our customers but less on the impact on our teams. Lindsey Simpson and Katie Lewis from Workplace Mental Wealth presented the findings from the 2022 Workforce State of Mind Report which revealed some stark findings. 73% of responders stated they had experienced mental health concerns at some point while only 11% stated someone regularly checks on their mental health at work, down from 19% last year showing the return to business has had significant impact on how we care for our teams. You can download your copy for free here https://www.workplacementalwealth.com/research
Nudge Marketing
With the above points in mind, it is clear that our campaigns should no longer be sporadic membership offers but instead we should adopt a longer term approach. At TA6 we strongly believe that truly effective campaigns should begin with awareness, messages that highlight the benefits of activity and impacts of non-activity. This may not lead to immediate sales but will target the pre-contemplators and start to nudge them towards contemplating options. At this point content led-marketing is key, assist them towards getting started, what to do and offer ways to take the first step, even if not yet through a membership. Once the initial steps are taken the move to membership becomes a more likely option with awareness of your brand and credibility. We then need the right pathways to guide them into.
At TA6 we work closely with our clients to ensure the right campaigns, reach the right people with the best content and via the most effective platforms, monitoring this to refine and adapt along the way. A brand-led long term campaign plan should always be part of your marketing strategy.
The Power of Data and technology
This isn’t new and the impact of multiple lockdowns forced our industry to quickly adapt to a more digital approach however, now the doors are open, are we truly tracking data effectively? Do you clearly know who is engaging with your content, what messages have impact, what are the appropriate mediums to connect with different personas, what activities are being accessed by whom, what difference this makes to their likelihood to continue and use this business intelligence to inform our strategies? At TA6 we believe in creating strategies and processes with clear objectives, outcomes and measures of success, whether that is your marketing campaigns or your customer experience pathways and delivery. We start with he question “If 10 people joined yesterday, do you know what happened to them?” If not, there is work to do!
Personal Development
Whether it is to support your workplace wellness, promote a confident return to normal operating, ensuring consistency or maintaining your workforce for longer, there has to be a focus on Personal Development within your business. One-off training simply isn’t always sufficient to have an impact and there should be a clear and on-going commitment to develop your teams.
The TA6 approach to personal development is 3 clear areas. Education to understand why skills, processes or systems are needed and how this will impact individuals, roles and the business. Training to ensure confidence in the specific skills required, and Coaching to ensure this is fully embedded and continually supported and improved.
If you would like to explore how TA6 can support your business in any of the areas discussed above please get in touch.