You have the POWER
Here at TA6 we pride ourselves on being able to POWER UP your business and right now we need this injection of motivation, drive and creativity more than ever. We love a challenge at TA6 and we will continue to help POWER UP your business from within your home. We have created the following steps to help you achieve your goals.
At the beginning of everyday, rather than reaching for the phone, checking the emails, scrolling through Facebook, can you Pause. Why would you Pause? When you Pause it allows you to think and observe the thoughts that are naturally occurring in your head, rather than be led down paths by other peoples’ thoughts, ideas or their to-do list. Ensure your mind is clutter free and give yourself the opportunity to wake up before you plan. When you give yourself this time, we then move onto ‘O’.
Now you have created space by pausing, you have the Opportunity to think what is it that you want to achieve today. You have given yourself the gift of space and time – use this and explore your own thoughts and plan what is important for you to achieve today. Once you have these objectives, we move onto ‘W.’
Write your Objectives down for what you want to achieve today. Be honest, give yourself a list of 3 – 5 things to do, anything more than this, if not completed could make you feel disappointed, so be realistic. Always start by completing the hardest task first, this will free you from stress for the rest of the day. Once you have your list of 3 – 5 objectives and you are working your way through these, throughout the day ensure you do ‘E’.
Wake your body and mind up with short Energisers throughout the day. A 10 minute walk, a short workout, play your favourite song and let this awaken the feel-good hormones Oxytocin and Dopamine by dancing around the kitchen. These burst of movement and energy will awaken your mind, keep you alert and creative. And at the end of a productive day, we move to ‘R’.
Reflect on the day, did you achieve the Objectives that you set out earlier in the day? Was your list to long? Could you have done more? How did it make you feel? At the end of the day, Reflect on what you have achieved, acknowledge how it made you feel and get ready to POWER UP the next day and the next and the next.